Spring Pond Camp By an Old Cabin

Monday September 30, 2024 Smoky Creek Ranch RD. Ca.

We finally got back in some cell phone  service as we are near H 395 headed for Janesville and back into the Plumas National forest.

I posted five or six blogs today, but am not sure they are posted.

Donkey camp

We moved our chairs out into the sun to warm up this morning. It wasn’t that cold, but it was just nice in the sun’s rays.camp1

I decided to go for a walk around the trees that were around Parker reservoir. The reservoir was mostly dry right now.trees2

This was the only water left, a small puddle. Our camp is in the trees in the back.water3

On the road

Eventually we got on the road, headed south on Smoky creek ranch road. It was aa fairly good road with only a little wash board. It’s a main road. I think we saw one other car today.road4

We stopped here to check out this spot for a camp, but not good enough for us.creek5

I did spot this spider crawling around. It was about two and half inches.spider6

We went down a side road that looked promising for a camp. It was early in the day  but we were looking for an early camp spot.

The little pond looked pretty good.water7

We pulled our vans around the edge and we were camped. This pond turned out to be a big spring that was the start of a creek.camp8

I walked down along it’s edge to check the area out. The place was loaded with quail.walk13

A little later Marty and I walked over to these trees to check them out as they were in a straight line like they were planted. We didn’t find anything in that spot indicating any kind of structure was once here, but I think there was.trees8

We also checked out that old cabin. It hadn’t been used in a long time.cabin9

Late in the day, I walked up this hill a bit to look around the area. We are camped down there.camp10

Nice looking camp spot, eh.camp11

These ducks flew in to stay for the night in the evening.ducks12

Nice day.

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Moving Off the Mountains and Down Into the Desert

Sunday September 29, 2024 Parker Reservoir NE.

Traveling day

We headed down off the Warner Mountains this morning on this road headed to Alturas to gas up our rigs as the next leg needs full tanks as we will be traveling across the desert with not much in the way of gas stations.

Heading down off the mountains.road1

We crossed over into Nevada and headed south down along these mountains.raod2

We stopped here for lunch and a break.vans3

And we stopped here as I got three bars on the cell phone, but no internet in this  location.cell

We turned off the paved road for this one, a well maintained gravel road with very little wash boarding, which is always nice.road4

Parker Reservoir

We were looking for a camp spot for the night and pulled into this spot I recognized as I used it last year.donkeys5

These guys greeted us as we entered.donkeys6

There were a bunch of them.donkeys7

Donkey Camp

We made camp in these trees.camp7

It was a pretty nice camp spot.camp8


The donkeys weren’t too bothered by us and glazed pretty close to us.donkeys9

We watched the donkeys until it got dark.donkeys10

We are camped in the desert now.

Nice day.

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